
Tailormade Mobile apps SDK

Tailormade mobile SDKs

Android SDK


Android SDK

Add the Android SDK to your project

  1. Create a ‘libs’ directory under your project main directory (same level as your src directory)

  2. Copy the TailormadeSDK.aar to that libs directory

  3. In Android Studio, open your app build.gradle file and add the new dependencies:

     implementation(name:'TailormadeSDK', ext:'aar')
     implementation ''
  4. Now open your top leven build.gradle and add a new repository:

     flatDir { 
     		dirs 'libs' 

    This is an example of the final result:

    buildscript {
     repositories {
     dependencies {
         classpath ''
         // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
         // in the individual module build.gradle files
    allprojects {
     repositories {
         flatDir { 
     		dirs 'libs' 

Android SDK Initialization and use

To use the SDK you just need to call one method:

JSONObject response = Tailormade.getInfo(context, "your_license_string", Tailormade.ServerType.PROD,
                            false, true, true, true, true);

This will make the required network calls to our servers, so you need to do this in a background thread.


Add the iOS SDK to your project

Configure app transport security

iOS SDK Initialization and use